Photo source: www.snailx.co.uk
Snails, especially slugs, are a big problem for agriculture because they eat a lot and can damage crops severely. They affect flowers, perennials, and vegetable gardens, causing significant harm to harvests. Traditional methods of controlling slugs often involve chemicals, which can harm the environment and soil. This makes finding sustainable alternatives to deal with snails in agriculture very important.
To address these challenges, SnailX offers a solution called the SnailX Slug Trap. This trap combines an effective attractant with slug pellets to control the snail population in gardens and farms. It aims to provide an easy and long-lasting way to protect gardens and crops from the damage caused by snails, helping gardeners and farmers cultivate healthy and thriving plants.
The SnailX Slug Trap stands out for its simplicity and easy maintenance.
Learn more about its application and benefits:
The full text of the good practice is available to read and download in PDF format from the AgriSkills 4.0 e-Learning platform, section “Good practices”. You just need to search for it by name using the search box.
You will find additional 45 good practices, initiatives and use cases in the AgriSkills Reference Catalogue titled “AgriSkills Guidebook on Digitalization in Agriculture”.
Cover photo: © Artem Stepanov|Dreamstime.com

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